Here’s what our parents have to say about Dawn

We are taking online education from last six months. During this time span I has seen a lot of positive changes in my child. DAWN School provide us a lot of curriculum activities to improve child performance. They provides dance ,music,speech therapy,special education to our child. In my child I see a lot of improvement. He has improve his eye contact,sitting tolerance,speech and also improve understanding level.He also enjoy music class very much.we are appreciate to Rasika mam,Vidya mam and Pratik sir for their effective teaching method.all teachers are very supportive,helpful,dedicated they are doing great work. Thank you everyone.

The way DAWN school has set their curriculum imparts to overall development in a child from a very early age The improvement and the transitions were really overwhelming. Teachers attentively, involve each child equally, encourage everyone to proactively respond and teaching them to wait for their turn patiently.In my child I seen lots of improvement. School's curriculum is actually advanced and has a beautiful blend of academics, practicals, craft activity, culinary, extra-curricular activity.Very supported staff.compair to other school which i saw DAWN school is good in work

I am amazed with the planning and the preparedness of the school during this pandemic situation, the school has given its 100 percent to educate my child through the online sessions. All the teachers have given their best efforts to conduct all the curricular as well as co-curricular activities. I want to salute all the teachers and the management as they have acted like a warrior in the tield of education. Thanks

The online school opportunity from DAWN SCHOOL came like a boon to me. My son Netram loves music. And when I came to know 1 of the sessions would be music , my heart danced to it. I have never approached a speech therapist for him before because he was not correlating, imitating , responding or attentive before. But from Jan ,2021 I noticed he had started doing the above. So speech sessions are truly helpful. And of course exercises, art n craft activities and literacy are all being covered. Netram is thoroughly enjoying school. He gets up by 10.30 am almost everyday. He sleeps only after 1.30 at night. He sits in class without getting distracted. He looks up when his name is called out. As a parent I am thoroughly satisfied with the online school. Thank you .